
Our truss supports assortment is developed to help growers obtain excellent tomato production without sacrificing ease and speed of application.

The product innovative design provides a strong and long-lasting support throughout its entire production cycle, preventing possible stem bending:

  • the ARCHS (in flexible and rigid variants), if installed just after flowering or when the first fruit appears, provide the correct curvature to the stem, ideal to be maintained throughout its growth;

  • the HOOKS, if installed just after flowering or when the first fruit appears, help prevent possible stem bending thanks to the multiple hooking options (to the twine or to the same plant).

Each supports help maintain the healthy development of tomatoes, allowing the easy passage of sap required to obtain a larger and qualitatively homogeneous production.


A Truss Support can facilitate production of tomato bunches up to 10% heavier = Higher sales value of tomatoes



X-SUPPORT: flexible arch.


J-HOOK: three hooking options to the twine.

STEM HOOK: two hooking options to the plant.

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